Sunday, May 9, 2010

Something Old & Something Borrowed

Days Left: 487 days as of today

To go with the old traditions of:
Something New: of course it will be my dress
Something Blue: maybe my shoes or my undies (wink wink)
Something Old & Something Borrowed: Charles'parents arrhae

(dirty arrhae)

I found it at their house when I cooked lunch one saturday afternoon. I went to the bathroom and when I went out i looked at their altar and I saw the arrhae. I asked Charles if we can borrow it. It turns out that his mom saw it before and keeps forgetting to give it to me.

(look how dirty the coins are, the years at the back of the coins goes from 1970-1983)

Now all i have to do is clean it (major cleaning) and ask Goldenhills if we could just get the mock rings instead of the freebie of arrhae.


Arrhae Ceremony

Sometime after the exchange of vows, the groom presents the arrhae or arras to his bride after it has been blessed by the priest.

The arras, Spanish for "earnest money", is said to come from a Roman custom of breaking gold or silver into equal halves by both parties as a pledge of marriage.

The thirteen coins, said to represent Christ and his 12 apostles, symbolize the groom's unquestionable trust and confidence. By giving arras to his bride, he places all his material wealth into her care. Acceptance by the bride means taking that trust unconditionally with total dedication.

It is also said that the custom came from Spain. The arras usually come in ornate boxes or gift trays and represents the bride's dowry as well as good wishes for prosperity. Oftentimes, these coins become part of the family heirloom.

That's it. Till Next Time.

Happy Preps... :)

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